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Thursday, December 30, 2010

The beginning of my simple homemade living started today with making these knitted dishcloths. I just LOVE them. What great gifts they will make too.

I found the pattern on another blog here. It's so easy and quick to do. I made it with organic cotton. My local wool shop had 30% off so I even saved there. Apparently they last for ages.

I've also been enjoying making fresh bread daily. I have every now and again in the past with different recipies, but I have finally found a favorite. It makes a fabulously light and fluffy (and very yummy with butter and golden syrup) loaf of bread. I found the recipie here. I'm afraid I can't paste a photo of it because it was eaten before I could take a snap of it! Maybe tomorrows loaf.

Well, it is the last day of 2010. So wishing you all a Happy New Year. Hope 2011 is good to you

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

New Year Resolutions

Ok it's nearly time for New Year Resolutions.
I cannot believe how fast this year has flown by.
It has been a year of allsorts and ups and downs.
I haven't managed to do this blog this year.
And so my New Years Resolution will be to really try and get to it more.

I am wanting to create for my family, a simple life.
To live more simply is something I yearn for and dream of.
Starting in 2011, I want to stop dreaming of it,
and start to live it more so than we are now.

I shall turn off that TV and stop reading magazines that make me WANT things.
I want to get out in the garden more, cook from scratch more, preserve my own produce. Sew and mend our clothes and the list goes on.

This year I had so much pleasure in making gifts for friends and relatives. I made cakes, buiscuts, chutneys, jams, and made a table top cubby house for my neices.
Finding creative ways of packaging, and presenting these items was half the fun.
It gave such a sense of pride and great pleasure to give something that I had made with love for those that I love.
So I want to continue this way as much as possible and teach my children to do the same.
What are your New Years Resolutions this year?